Saturday, June 5, 2010

Unemployment & Security Issue - India is Taking Over!!

Another weekend rant . . . it's the only time I have the spare time to write because like most other people I'm working my ass off trying to make ends meet the rest of the week!

Have you called ANY company's customer service lately?  Whether it be an airline, a credit card company, even your healthcare insurance carrier - every time I'm speaking to India.  I don't want all my personal information at the hands of another country.  This is sensitive and volitle information!  Because US company's are hell bent on making the most possible profit they can they off shore all their customer service to the cheap labor available in India.  So now they have how much I owe, who I owe it to, how I use my health insurance and who and when I'm flying . . . that doesn't give me a comfortable feeling!

I don't know about you, but now everytime I call a company and end up speaking to India - I hang up.  I wish I could cancel everything I have that off shores their work, but that would leave me with nothing.  If all the jobs that have been off shored in the past 5 years would be brought back to the US - unemployment would be at 4% - not the 9% it currently is at..  I've seen the effects personally, a good friend worked for an insurance company dealing with the claims department - her whole department was shipped to India 2 years ago.

Why does our government allow American companies to do this?  Aren't they concerned about the bulk of America's information being held by foreign countries.  How many more thousands of jobs are being off shored raising our unemployment rate.  Don't these companies realize that they are creating alot of their own problems.  Take for instance the airlines - they're supposed to be doing so poorly that they have cut services to the core and charge for everything now because not enough people are flying.  Well, maybe if people had the jobs that they have off shored such a customer service these same people would be able to take vacations or travel and therefore buy tickets from the airlines and then the airlines would have more customers.  Or the credit card companies - they cry and whine that too many people are running up their charge accounts and then not being able to pay.  Well, they probably can't pay because they lost their job or can't find one that actually pays well.  Again, if they had the jobs that the credit card companies off shored - then they wouldn't be running up their charge accounts and not paying.  They'd  have the money to pay for what they purchase.  And there again - if they had money they could purchase things and the economy would start revolving again . . . a company I used to work for put the following on their invoices, and it holds so true even today . . . "Please pay us - so we can pay them - and they can pay you."

Another issue with our government and big business - why is it that foreigners can own your franchises but American's can't afford to?  Why give foreigners such financial breaks and incentives to own American business that it makes it impossible for American's to own.  Have you been to a 7-11, Dunkin Donuts or a gas station lately?  Find ANY that are owned and operated by American's or even people that speak English?  We actually have stopped going to Dunkin Donuts because the frustration level is so high when trying to get what you want because of the language barrier.  After at least 5 times not getting what we had asked for - we've given up - now Wawa is our choice for morning coffee and donuts - they are not owned by non-Americans and you can actually communicate easily! 

Another example - our local Sunoco was previously owned and operated by an older gentlemen of American heritage.  He employed 15 other people of American heritage.  For whatever reason, he lost the franchise.  It is now owned by an a man from India.  He has decided, as most of the businesses do, to hire his entire family.  Irregardless of the fact that they don't speak English, don't know anything about our money system and have no clue about running a gas station.  Their workforce now consists of ONE english speaking, American.  And they are taking advantage of him so much - it's unbelievable, but because he's been out of work for almost a year and is desperate - he's taking it.  He's been there a week - they haven't had him fill out a W-2 (although he's asked many times), they won't give him a schedule - they tell him the day before what time he's to work the next day - when working 8 hour shifts he's gotten one 10 minute break only because he's repeatedly asked and whenever he has a conflict with the next day's schedule there's no negotiation - be there or you're fired.  I guess they don't have to follow labor laws either.

The greed of American big business is what is causing a lot of the financial / unemployment problems of this country, but nothing is being done about it.  Yes, we are the land of opportunity, but lately it seems like the only opportunities are being given to non-Americans.

Obama wants to follow the European socialist example of government - why doesn't he adopt the European polcies of not allowing foreign born people to own businesses and housing?  Maybe that would save some jobs here . . .